Quick Contact
Boniface Njoroge Kihara
CEO (+254)721-892-903 boniface.kihara@kencreamsacco.co.ke
Mr. Kihara has over 15 years working experience in the Sacco movement with over 12 years working in senior management positions. He joined Kencream from his previous employers VEP Microfinance and Wanadege Sacco where he served as the Finance and Administration Manager and Chief Accountant respectively. Mr. Kihara has vast experience and knowledge in Financial Management, Leadership, performance Management, Strategy Formulation and Implementation, just to mention a few. He holds an MBA Strategic Management; Kenyatta University, Bachelor of commerce -Finance; KCA-U, is a CPAK and a member of ICPAK.
Areas of Expertise
Financial management, Accounting, Business Management
Team Leader, Financial management, CPA-K
Accounting, Financial Management
Prior job positions
- Finance Manager, VEP Microfinance.
- Head of Finance, at Chai Sacco ltd,
- Head of Finance, Wanandege Sacco Ltd
- Head of Finance, LSK Sacco Ltd